Bonfire Blogs

The Man with Connections Never Fails

Shared Knowledge

Brotherhood Network

Shield from Pain

  • Bonfire Blogs solves men‘s problems with expert tips to avoid the landmines and pitfalls of life.

  • We are the support network for men. We guide men in connection and success in relationships.

  • We share gathered knowledge from experience to shield men from pain: of the unknown, of the unprepared, of being alone in a world growing increasingly hostile to males.

  • We believe in teaming up to survive and thrive in our roles as warriors, husbands, and fathers.

    And we believe in YOU.

Example: You can search by any of the categories: Husbands, Men’s Issues, Fathers, and Bachelors.

Featured Blogs

3 Men smiling while sitting around a bonfire and enjoying camraderie and Brotherhood.

What is Brotherhood?

Brotherhood is the appreciation that all men have a Universal Male Experience.

A connection to other men that generates a feeling of good will and understanding.

  • We all have much the same life challenges, failures, and successes.

  • We each have much the same doubts, hopes, and aspirations.

  • We go through life in roughly sequential gated steps of understanding and growing awareness, in essence leveling up.

  • We each seek meaning and purpose to propel us through our relatively brief but brutal lives.

The Ancient Stoics of Greece believed in the concept we are all actors playing the same roles in a never-ending play that continues over and over again through the generations, where we each may have different faces, and different names, but we play the same parts. Parts that are mostly interchangeable.

When you reach a point of maturity and perspective in your life you should start to see this commonality of men, this web of connected moments, a brotherhood of shared lives. And you can start to benefit from helping each other ascend faster with less wasted time and suffered pains, to reach the next level in each gated life’s challenge.

Although women idealize the delusion of being unique, men are different.

  • We start life alone but gain strength in numbers.

  • We find comfort in the resonance of commonality, male feedback, and shared goals.

  • We benefit from a hierarchy of shield brothers working toward a Grand Purpose.

  • We all strive to achieve, in some fashion, a satisfied existence of Generativity, Adventure, and Legacy.

Make the effort to seek those shared connections to your fellow man and build a network of allies. A cadre of Brothers with similar values.

a Brotherhood united to sweep the Game Board of Life for the success of all.

Reach out and support Brotherhood in your life.

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